What is The Average Cost of Catering for 50 Guests in the UK?

When planning an event, one of the most significant expenses you’ll need to consider is the cost of catering. This cost can vary widely depending on several factors, including the type of catering event (is it a wedding or party catering for example), the level of formality, and the location of the event.

In this article, we’ll explore the average cost of catering for 50 guests in the UK.

Average Catering Costs by Meal Type

First, let’s take a look at how the type of meal can impact the cost of catering. We’ve gathered data from various sources to provide a general idea of what you might expect to pay.

Here’s a bar chart that represents the average catering cost for 50 guests in the UK according to different meal types:

Average Catering Cost for 50 Guests in the UK

From this chart, we can see that the cost varies depending on whether it’s a standard 3-course meal, regular catering, or a sit-down meal with three courses. The highest average cost is associated with a sit-down meal with three courses, while regular catering appears to be the least expensive option on average.

Range of Catering Costs

Next, let’s examine the range of costs for each type of meal. This information can give you a better idea of the potential variability in pricing.

Here’s a bar chart that represents the range of catering costs for 50 guests in the UK according to different meal types:

Range of Catering Costs for 50 Guests in the UK

As we can see from this chart, the cost range also varies depending on the type of meal. The widest range of costs is associated with a sit-down meal with three courses, indicating a higher level of variability in pricing for this type of meal.

Summary of Catering Costs

To summarize, here’s a table that encapsulates all the data:

Type of MealAverage Cost for 50 GuestsCost Range for 50 Guests
Standard 3-course meal£2,500£1,250 – £2,500
Regular catering£2,000£1,000 – £2,000
Sit-down meal with three courses£3,500£1,250 – £3,500

Please note that these costs are averages and can vary widely depending on factors such as location, menu, service style, and additional fees. It’s recommended to get quotes from multiple caterers and to read the contract carefully to understand all the costs involved.

Additionally, there may be minimum guest counts and additional fees like corking and cake cutting that are on top of the main fee, so it’s important to factor those in as well.

What is the average cost of catering for 50 guests in the UK outside of London

When considering the average cost of catering for 50 guests in the UK outside of London, the price can fluctuate based on the catering type and the event’s formality level. Here are some approximations gathered from various sources:

  • For standard catering services, the cost per person can range from £6 to £45. This means that for a group of 50 guests, you might be looking at a total cost between £300 and £1,350.
  • Bark, a popular service marketplace, suggests that the average cost of catering can vary significantly based on numerous factors. However, a rough estimate for a group of 50 guests might be around £800 in total, equating to £16 per person.
  • Hitched, a leading wedding planning resource, reported that the average wedding catering cost per person in the UK was £70 in 2022. For a group of 50 guests, this would amount to approximately £3,500.

It’s crucial to remember that these figures are merely averages and actual catering costs can vary significantly based on location, menu selection, service style, and additional fees. It’s always recommended to obtain quotes from multiple caterers and thoroughly read the contract to understand all the costs involved.

Additionally, be aware of potential minimum guest counts and extra fees, such as corking and cake cutting, which could be added to the main fee.


Planning an event involves careful budgeting, and understanding the potential costs of catering is a crucial part of this process. By considering the type of meal and the potential range of costs, you can make more informed decisions and plan an event that fits within your budget.

Remember, these figures are averages, and actual costs can vary, so it’s always a good idea to get multiple quotes and read contracts carefully. Happy planning!

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